ISO 27001:2013 (Information Security)
Having been entrusted with the financial and business data of so many companies, we believe it is essential that we take the security of our service extremely seriously. Annually we subject ourselves to an external audit which assesses whether our management are systematically identifying, developing and implementing plans to address the full range of security risks we could encounter.
Registered Internet Services Provider (RIPE)
Online50 are members of RIPE - the European Internet authority (called a regional registry). As such we are recognised as an official Internet Services Provider (ISP) - (although we may not be as famous as Plusnet or BT Broadband!) This means that we are in control of the Internet routing that connects users to our services, and also allows us to offer innovative solutions to our customers.
SAP OEM Partner
Online50 is an authorised OEM partner of SAP, which authorises us to provide SAP Business One software to customers as part of our solution. Every customer subscribing for SAP Business One services with Online also has access to Online50's Ambition Forms technology for extending business processes to remote users. Our OEM partnership with SAP gives us the freedom to deliver and license our solution in ways that are not available to standard SAP partners.
The London Internet Exchange
We are members of LINX (the London INternet eXchange) and therefore connected directly into the UK backbone of the Internet. This means users can connect to our services more directly, passing through a smaller number of intermediate steps. As each step is a potential chance for a service disruption, minimising these steps provides the best possible experience. We have found that users often see operational speeds faster than can be achieved using Sage 50 over a local network.
Microsoft Hosting Partner
Online50 are an accredited hosting partner of Microsoft and have also been accredited as a Small Business Specialist. These accreditations are given on a merit basis, and to maintain accreditation we need to demonstrate our skills with Microsoft technologies. We have been members of the SPLA Programme (Service Provider Licensing Agreement) for more than a decade, which authorises us to provide Microsoft licenses to our customers on a calendar monthly basis. With proven technical skills, the most flexible business model and an enviable track record we are the ideal partner to help you take your business into the cloud.